Attestation of workplaces by competent specialists

Attestation of workplaces by competent specialists

Attestation of workplaces is a comprehensive assessment of all factors of the production environment and labor process. Phone:+38(096)781-05-37 - ecology,+38(050)709-09-30 - labor protection Attestation of workplaces according to working…

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Company Center LTD, Ltd

Attestation of workplaces is a comprehensive assessment of all factors of the production environment and labor process.

+38(096)781-05-37 - ecology,
+38(050)709-09-30 - labor protection

Attestation of workplaces according to working conditions is carried out at enterprises and organizations where the technological process, used equipment, raw materials and materials are potential sources of harmful and dangerous production factors that can adversely affect the health of workers.

The purpose of certification is to regulate relations between the owner or the body authorized by him and employees in the field of implementation of rights to healthy and safe working conditions, preferential pension provision, benefits and compensation for working in adverse conditions. Attestation of workplaces is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the CMU No. 442 of August 1, 1992 and Methodical recommendations for the attestation of workplaces according to working conditions No. 41 of September 1, 1992.

Attestation is carried out by an attestation commission, the composition and powers of which are determined by an order of the enterprise, organization within the terms stipulated by the collective agreement, but at least once every 5 years. The responsibility for timely and high-quality certification rests with the head of the enterprise or organization.